Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So you got our invite, eh?

Hi, family and friends - maybe some strangers - hello, to you!

It is that beautiful time of the year (this year), when I get to share our wonderful news with you.... you guessed it - WE'RE PREGNANT!  <Can'I getta 'Whoop Whoop!'>  This week marks the official start of the 2nd trimester!

Aaron and I couldn't be more excited for the expansion that is taking place; our family, home, responsibilities, love <-- We're still working on adapting to the belly expansion ;-)

I would like to thank our wonderful parents and siblings for keeping their lips sealed - for the most part! - and want you all to feel welcome to blab away now!  Yippee!

Since everyone we know (including us) remains forever busy or lives too far away to see often, we wanted to create this blog to update you on the growth of Bebe Watkins - both now and after birth.  We will post regularly and welcome feedback, comments, suggestions, advice, etc.!  There are a lot of good Mums and Dads out there that don't need to be stingy with their tips and tricks! ;-) 

Thank you for visiting and we certainly hope to see you soon!

Love and blessings:
Aaron | Kels | BebeWatkins

Saturday, September 15, 2012

12 Weeks | Size of a Lime

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +4 
Maternity clothes? Newp. None.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Yes, please!  I love sleep and it's becoming much easier to fall asleep and wake up <-- thanks, bladder :)
Best moment this week: Woke up on Wednesday and did my morning belly feel prior to rolling out of bed.  This week, I officially 'popped'!  I woke Aaron immediately: "BABY!  Feel the bebe!"  He was stoked.
Miss Anything?  Still sushi.  I really really want a deli wrap far more than I've ever wanted just about anything.
Movement:  I think I have a handful of weeks before I get the pleasure....
Food cravings:  PB&J, Chocolate Silk, waffle fries.  I've indulged in all but the fries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm pretty congested this week so it's hard to say if that's baby nausea or my cold.  The past few weeks have been remarkably better!
Gender: Still thinking a bebe king!  My SIL and I have had fun with the gender predictors - yea, yea, all 'old wives tales', we know!  BUT, they've all agreed on a boy-o!
Labor Signs:  Not this early.
Symptoms: Messing with my eating schedule is messing with my emotions.  Serious.  Also, flying (which I've probably done 3k times by now & never been scared) makes me nervous.  The only thing that makes me cry is being tired and books/movies <-- that's a first.  I'm starting to think I have a soul ;)
Belly Button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off?  On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  What's not to love!  Except when my baby-mush-brain interrupts my ability to talk, type without suffering sudden dyslexia, or think.... 
Looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat for the first time in 3 days!  We only were able to watch during our last ultrasound so we're both supAstoked to hear the beautiful sounds our bebe makes!  Oh, I almost forgot --> & WE GET TO TELL EVERYONE within the next few weeks!!!  

Sidenote: I had no intentions of going brunette.  Apparently, when you are pregnant (uh-hem - hormonal), color doesn't take the way it should.... & I first had cartoonish red-orange hair, then hot pink, then dark purple, and at last we landed here.  Mind you, this was all done by a very talented professional.  I'm not going to lie, I'm starting to like it a bit!  I've never been anything but my natural blonde, so it was definitely quite the <accidental> leap, but proving to be a good one ;)