Saturday, September 15, 2012

12 Weeks | Size of a Lime

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +4 
Maternity clothes? Newp. None.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Yes, please!  I love sleep and it's becoming much easier to fall asleep and wake up <-- thanks, bladder :)
Best moment this week: Woke up on Wednesday and did my morning belly feel prior to rolling out of bed.  This week, I officially 'popped'!  I woke Aaron immediately: "BABY!  Feel the bebe!"  He was stoked.
Miss Anything?  Still sushi.  I really really want a deli wrap far more than I've ever wanted just about anything.
Movement:  I think I have a handful of weeks before I get the pleasure....
Food cravings:  PB&J, Chocolate Silk, waffle fries.  I've indulged in all but the fries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm pretty congested this week so it's hard to say if that's baby nausea or my cold.  The past few weeks have been remarkably better!
Gender: Still thinking a bebe king!  My SIL and I have had fun with the gender predictors - yea, yea, all 'old wives tales', we know!  BUT, they've all agreed on a boy-o!
Labor Signs:  Not this early.
Symptoms: Messing with my eating schedule is messing with my emotions.  Serious.  Also, flying (which I've probably done 3k times by now & never been scared) makes me nervous.  The only thing that makes me cry is being tired and books/movies <-- that's a first.  I'm starting to think I have a soul ;)
Belly Button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off?  On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  What's not to love!  Except when my baby-mush-brain interrupts my ability to talk, type without suffering sudden dyslexia, or think.... 
Looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat for the first time in 3 days!  We only were able to watch during our last ultrasound so we're both supAstoked to hear the beautiful sounds our bebe makes!  Oh, I almost forgot --> & WE GET TO TELL EVERYONE within the next few weeks!!!  

Sidenote: I had no intentions of going brunette.  Apparently, when you are pregnant (uh-hem - hormonal), color doesn't take the way it should.... & I first had cartoonish red-orange hair, then hot pink, then dark purple, and at last we landed here.  Mind you, this was all done by a very talented professional.  I'm not going to lie, I'm starting to like it a bit!  I've never been anything but my natural blonde, so it was definitely quite the <accidental> leap, but proving to be a good one ;)

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