Tuesday, October 30, 2012

18 Weeks | Size of a Bell Pepper

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I don't like this question.  Next, please.
Maternity clothes? Still working my pre-preggy clothes.  I do rock the belly band though! (Miracle worker, that thing!)
Stretch marks? No.  *fingers crossed*
Sleep: Not so shabby.  I'm coming into the RLS days.  But so is my hubs, so perhaps its my age, rather?!
Best moment this week: Watching my husband experience the Bebe moving for the very first time.  I cried.  Yep.
Miss Anything?  Not really.
Movement:  YES!  It is the most beautiful feeling!!  Bebe moves tons in the morning and then at bedtime <-- Hoping this isn't confusion!
Food cravings:  Nothing, really.  Food has been an interesting thing lately.  Don't want it but sure do need it.  Besides, no one takes pleasure in a hangry (hungry to the point of angry) pregnant chick!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells.  They are only intensifying.  Blehk.
Gender: Still dang sure that we're having a girl.  Judging by impromptu polls, so are our friends and family members!
Labor Signs:  No.
Symptoms: Early to bed, early to rise.  Oh, and headaches.
Belly Button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off?  On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Tuesday, November 6th.  We get the incredible opportunity to learn more about Bebe's health and...... well...... whether he's a she he, she's a he she, she's a she he..... Boy or Girl!

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