Monday, July 16, 2012

Learning, Sharing, & Soaking Up the Great News

Well, for starters, this test is the fourth of the positives.  I have always heard of women taking multiple tests after seeing a positive; never understanding the concept since we all know that there are false negatives and never false positives.  Suddenly, I get it!  We'd talked about taking one and I simply thought it was too early (who likes to be disappointed?!).  Plus, I didn't want to take one with my husband for the pure sake of surprising him with the news!  So I took 2 without him knowing, both resulting in the obvious +.  Then I got to thinking about how I purchased the cheap ones, strictly with the + or - and needed a, well, more expensive confirmation???  (YOU make sense of that.  I give up.)  Oh, and I also dragged this out over 2 - 2 1/2 weeks, just to be 'sure'.  I made an internal pact that I would wake up before my husband, sneak to Walgreens to purchase the more-expensive-so-obviously-more-accurate-results test, and surprise him with a 'We're Pregnant' wake-up the next morning, IF the results were the inevitable 'pregnant'.  I did just that!  Next picture is my tool of good news.....

"We are expanding our home by two feet!"

I snuck into the room, waking Aaron up, holding this yardstick.  With the ever-confused look on his face, I crawled onto the bed and handed him the yardstick.  I got the typical response: "Shut up!" <-- Hey, that's better than what came out of his mouth on his 30th bDay after surprising him with a Taylor!  Ha!  Anyway, we hugged, kissed, hugged some more, kissed some more, had plenty more "Shut up's" and finally began letting the news digest.  The best news!  

My family was visiting from Kansas for their first time (Mum, Sister, Bro-in-Law, 2 nieces, 2 nephews) so we took advantage of sharing the good news in person!  We first went outback where my Mum was and handed her the same yardstick.  It took about 2 seconds before the tears were flowing like the Poudre River!  Then we went downstairs and gave it to my Sis and Bro-in-Law -- just as happy, but no tears <-- bummer! =)  Then we took it the front porch where my other Bro-in-Law was sitting; PS, we share a huge house with he and his wife and their 2 kiddos.  He said "You're expanding the house?  Where?  How are you doing that?  Did you get permission?"  Aaron simply said "Yea, adding two feet..... to the back..... of course we got permission!"  Rob: "Am I missing something?" (Seriously concerned.)  Me: "Rob, we're having a baby!  Get it.... two feet!" Bam!  He got it. 

Then we told my Dad....

It didn't end there - no worries - he called and continued the theme of overly-excited fam!

As for my sis-in-law, she already knew (shh... don't tell anyone!)  She actually was quite the peach and helped me to decipher if the first 3 were positive-positives or just positives or let's keep waiting.... or..... she told me "YES, K-Dub, you're pregnant!"  Let out a teensy squeal of excitement... hugged and kissed me... and kept her promise of never telling. ;-)

Then to my in-laws!  My MIL (mom-in-law) had her mother (my GIL!) in town and we weren't ready to tell grandparents -- only parents and siblings -- so we had to wait for a free night.  A couple of days later, she was able to meet us on a whim at Panera with Wes (FIL).  We purchased a delicious looking cinnamon bun and had the barista package it nicely in a box prior to their arrival.  The anticipation was killing me through dinner -- my husband poking and prodding me to 'Just do it already!" -- and finally we took her the bun, saying nothing.  "What's this?!"  "Wait, is this what I think it is?!"  Us: "YES! We're having a bebe!"  She jumped up and gave us hugs for days!  (She's been waiting for this day for  q u i t e  sometime!

Moral of the story: Our family LOVES babies!

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Inaugural Purchase

Let me be honest.  The first thing we wanted to do is tell the world, we chose not to.  The next thing we wanted to do is go on a shopping spree, we also chose not to.  We did give in to two neutral purchases for our new bebe, however.  The rest can wait until week 16-20 <-- unveiling of the sex, duh!!

Each year, it is family tradition (husbands side) to go to Cheyenne, WY for the Thunderbirds Air show and consecutive rodeo/fair/concert-thingy.  It's a bit of a culture shock -- but dang -- it's a great time!!  He's been going since he was a wee-pup!

The best part is the Thunderbirds -- hands down!  My husband and I (this being just my 2nd year in tradition) also enjoy the random booth finds, playing 'hooky' to spend the day together, people watching (there is truly no shortage in Cheyenne) & the funnel cakes, of course!

Without making this a long story, we were pregnant last year at the Air Show as well.  We saw the cutest little moccasins and wanted to buy them for Little Foot (our sweet bebe that lives in Heaven) but decided it was just too early in the pregnancy and we should listen to others about 'waiting to see what happens in the early months'.  That's bogus!  Let me tell you, if you run into something you're dying to have -- commit! I mean, eBay, Craigslist, FB, etc now exist for purchases you regret and wish to rid yourself of!

So.... we saw the same sweet little moccasins this year and committed!  Check 'em out:

They're teensy, unique, and perfect for either a boy or a girl.  Now, if we have twins... they'll have to share! ;-)  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

We're Having a BEBE!

Aaron and I are beyond excited to announce that we're having a BEBE!  Can you believe it!!  It's been a long year of thinking, praying, waiting, trying, and daydreaming about life with a teeny bebe - and we couldn't be more thankful for God's awesome timing!  Aaron will single-handedly admit that trying was his favorite part, PS. ;)  Regardless, we are with child.... have a bun in the oven.... expanding our house by two feet... preggo.... you know, plain ol' big-belly-havin' pregnant!! As we venture into this exciting time we both are supAH (as Kels would say) excited to share our lives and dreams with our little bebe... So any parenting tips are welcomed, you know, like that picture that shows how to introduce your child to a pet by NOT putting the bebe into the fish tank! =) In all seriousness though, we can't wait to fiercely love this little bebe and continue to grow our beautiful little family! 

Oh! Now Marley would like to add a few things he's excited about... 

*sniff*Sniff*Bark*Sniff*Lick*Lick*Lick*Loads more LICKING...Lick...Lick...Tail Wagging*More Licking*Tail Uncontrollably Wagging!!!!!!! This Translates to: I can't wait to meet you little bebe brother or sister, and go for walks, play tug-o-war, chase each other, snuggle, take naps together, run around the yard, eat ice cream together and be the bestest friends in the world, I love you. -Marley Jackson. aka. Puckie. aka. Marles Barkley. aka. Your new older brother. (Well said, Puck!)

One of the biggest lessons we've learned in the past year or so, is that family is HUGE - blood, marriage, life-long friend, pups, newly introduced, etc! - and every journey is much better when shared with family (& meant to be)!  So, welcome to the next <enter unknown amount of time> of growing, having, and watching our little bebe Watkins!


Kels & Aaron
    n' Sam & Marley

Aaron | Kels | Marley

Aaron | bigBRO Sam | Kels