Sunday, July 1, 2012

We're Having a BEBE!

Aaron and I are beyond excited to announce that we're having a BEBE!  Can you believe it!!  It's been a long year of thinking, praying, waiting, trying, and daydreaming about life with a teeny bebe - and we couldn't be more thankful for God's awesome timing!  Aaron will single-handedly admit that trying was his favorite part, PS. ;)  Regardless, we are with child.... have a bun in the oven.... expanding our house by two feet... preggo.... you know, plain ol' big-belly-havin' pregnant!! As we venture into this exciting time we both are supAH (as Kels would say) excited to share our lives and dreams with our little bebe... So any parenting tips are welcomed, you know, like that picture that shows how to introduce your child to a pet by NOT putting the bebe into the fish tank! =) In all seriousness though, we can't wait to fiercely love this little bebe and continue to grow our beautiful little family! 

Oh! Now Marley would like to add a few things he's excited about... 

*sniff*Sniff*Bark*Sniff*Lick*Lick*Lick*Loads more LICKING...Lick...Lick...Tail Wagging*More Licking*Tail Uncontrollably Wagging!!!!!!! This Translates to: I can't wait to meet you little bebe brother or sister, and go for walks, play tug-o-war, chase each other, snuggle, take naps together, run around the yard, eat ice cream together and be the bestest friends in the world, I love you. -Marley Jackson. aka. Puckie. aka. Marles Barkley. aka. Your new older brother. (Well said, Puck!)

One of the biggest lessons we've learned in the past year or so, is that family is HUGE - blood, marriage, life-long friend, pups, newly introduced, etc! - and every journey is much better when shared with family (& meant to be)!  So, welcome to the next <enter unknown amount of time> of growing, having, and watching our little bebe Watkins!


Kels & Aaron
    n' Sam & Marley

Aaron | Kels | Marley

Aaron | bigBRO Sam | Kels

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