Monday, July 9, 2012

The Inaugural Purchase

Let me be honest.  The first thing we wanted to do is tell the world, we chose not to.  The next thing we wanted to do is go on a shopping spree, we also chose not to.  We did give in to two neutral purchases for our new bebe, however.  The rest can wait until week 16-20 <-- unveiling of the sex, duh!!

Each year, it is family tradition (husbands side) to go to Cheyenne, WY for the Thunderbirds Air show and consecutive rodeo/fair/concert-thingy.  It's a bit of a culture shock -- but dang -- it's a great time!!  He's been going since he was a wee-pup!

The best part is the Thunderbirds -- hands down!  My husband and I (this being just my 2nd year in tradition) also enjoy the random booth finds, playing 'hooky' to spend the day together, people watching (there is truly no shortage in Cheyenne) & the funnel cakes, of course!

Without making this a long story, we were pregnant last year at the Air Show as well.  We saw the cutest little moccasins and wanted to buy them for Little Foot (our sweet bebe that lives in Heaven) but decided it was just too early in the pregnancy and we should listen to others about 'waiting to see what happens in the early months'.  That's bogus!  Let me tell you, if you run into something you're dying to have -- commit! I mean, eBay, Craigslist, FB, etc now exist for purchases you regret and wish to rid yourself of!

So.... we saw the same sweet little moccasins this year and committed!  Check 'em out:

They're teensy, unique, and perfect for either a boy or a girl.  Now, if we have twins... they'll have to share! ;-)  

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