Wednesday, August 1, 2012

8 Weeks | Size of a Kidney Bean

            How far along? 8 weeks
          Total weight gain/loss: +1
          Maternity clothes? No way!  Few more weeks at least, please??
          Stretch marks? Nope.
          Sleep: RR sleep breaks and pregnancy dreams are keeping me up every few hours!
          Best moment this week: Finding healthy food I actually could stomach!
          Miss Anything? Sushi and Coffee! Working out & hiking.
          Movement: Too early.
          Food cravings:  Soup.  Oh, and those Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate-chocolate muffins.  
          Anything making you queasy or sick: Nearly everything.  Still.  Sounds, even.
          Gender: I’m thinking a bebe king!
          Labor Signs: No
          Symptoms: supAearly bedtime and all-day morning sickness.
          Belly Button in or out? In.
          Wedding rings on or off?  On.
          Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
          Looking forward to: Our first sonogram on August 21st & morning sickness dissipating, of 

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