Tuesday, August 21, 2012

8 Weeks | Again.....

I've had a plethora of mixed emotions about little bebe so far; but most of them were scaredy-emotions before our first OB appointment.  Thankfully, my mind, emotions, and even my body are feeling better post-doc! 

We were able to see our sweet bebe's <rapid!> heartbeat and even a teensy head!  Aaron says he looks like a bean, while a friend of mine demands he/she is Nemo's double. *rolls eyes* =)  We're pretty proud of our doctor, by the way.  She has a written a best-seller on infant/toddler care - +1 - she doesn't rush appointments, in fact, she begged for more questions - +1 - her husband is a psychiatrist, so she must be normal, not just frontin' - +1 - she is distracting at all the right times - +1 - she is patient, kind, and concerned - +1.  Yup, she's a +5!  (So far.)  SCORE!  We found a stellar doc.  

Bebe Watkins 1st Photo EVER!

Said stellar doc did give some bad news, though.... dun, dun, dunnnn.....

No. More. Rockshows. <-- Does nothing good for a rockstars wife.  >_<  She said the bass at a rock concert is so loud as is, but throw in a nice sack o' placenta and it's a million times louder - deafening, really, which is no risk we're willing to encounter.  She also mentioned how your adrenaline is lifted because of the noise level. Decibels-schmecibels.  <-- Also no bueno.  Guess I could spare my own hearing for a while, too ;-)   Hello, (insert girly tv show) and lounge-E nights!

Proud as can be, baybee!  Cheering you on from home :-)

So the final scoop -- We're due April 1st or 2nd (ultrasound tech said 2nd, doc said 1st) and since we don't want to risk no one believing us on April Fool's Day, we've agreed on the 2nd.  Yea.... April 2nd!  Bebe Watkins has a healthy heartbeat of 176 bpm, looks slightly like a bean and Nemo, is making Mama just the right amount of sick, and is needy already! =)  

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