Saturday, January 26, 2013

4D Ultrasound | 31 Weeks

Aaron and I became a little antsy to see our boy and knowing that we had a great opportunity with a local ultrasound company was not helping.  We caved and paid a visit to 4D SonoImage of Loveland, CO.  (FB Page)  I highly suggest that you take a visit between 28-32 weeks!  It was the most amazing experience!  

Bebe is already responding to voices and making the most beautiful facial expressions!  Oh man, I can't wait to kiss his little cheeks.... oh heck, and those toes!!

Here he is:

He sure likes to suck his thumb!  His fingers were fully extended across his face each time.

He held on to his toes a good majority of the hour we watched him.  #DoesntGetThatFromMom

 You do get some funny images with the placenta getting in the way.  Still sweet though!
 Yep!  That's a smirk! :-D

 Here's his daddy; isn't he adorable!!
Aunt Janaque thinks Bebe looks just like Daddy.  I'll take it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

27 Weeks | Size of a Head of Cauliflower


How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? I've moved into primarily all maternity clothes.  I have to say, after caving into the  dreaded maternity pants, I couldn't be more pleased.  They make them cute and 'normal' looking now and they are SO much more comfortable than belly bands and elastics on my button!!
Stretch marks? Nope.  Thank you, Jesus!
Sleep: I'm sleeping okay.  I'm already feeling my 2nd trimester energy dwindle which has me in bed earlier.  In turn, I'm also up much earlier.  (5:30/6am, anyone?)
Best moment this week: Purchasing the majority of his nursery furniture.  Pics to come!
Miss Anything?  I miss real sushi.  This seems like a trend....
Movement:  Constantly!  He is definitely getting bigger!  We love to lay in bed at night and watch the alien-like (as my hubs says) movements drifting from one side of my belly to the other.  I can't wait to kiss our little king!
Food cravings:  Not so much.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Teeny King!
Labor Signs:  Regular Braxton Hicks still but nothing intolerable!
Symptoms: Headaches.  I'm also starting to get exhausted rather easily.  Oh.. and my legs are supAsore for NO reason!
Belly Button in or out?  Out. 
Wedding rings on or off?  On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & anxious!!
Looking forward to:  Our maternity session on January 26th!