Saturday, January 26, 2013

4D Ultrasound | 31 Weeks

Aaron and I became a little antsy to see our boy and knowing that we had a great opportunity with a local ultrasound company was not helping.  We caved and paid a visit to 4D SonoImage of Loveland, CO.  (FB Page)  I highly suggest that you take a visit between 28-32 weeks!  It was the most amazing experience!  

Bebe is already responding to voices and making the most beautiful facial expressions!  Oh man, I can't wait to kiss his little cheeks.... oh heck, and those toes!!

Here he is:

He sure likes to suck his thumb!  His fingers were fully extended across his face each time.

He held on to his toes a good majority of the hour we watched him.  #DoesntGetThatFromMom

 You do get some funny images with the placenta getting in the way.  Still sweet though!
 Yep!  That's a smirk! :-D

 Here's his daddy; isn't he adorable!!
Aunt Janaque thinks Bebe looks just like Daddy.  I'll take it!

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