Thursday, February 28, 2013

36 Weeks | Size of a Crenshaw Melon

This is why bebe's are only allowed to occupy the womb for 40 weeks.  Crazy, right?!

How far along?  36 1/2 weeks
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.  
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Is rare, but I think my body is prepping me for what's to come.  I'm okay with that. :-)
Best moment this week: Ending February!  Man, it feels great for the countdown to be under 30 days!!
Miss Anything?  ^ Sleeping like a normal human, working out, wearing regular clothes, eating 'banned' foods, wine, being able to stay up late.... Umm, I'm suddenly missing a lot.  Guess that's what happens when you have 23 days left??
Movement:  Reference above video.
Food cravings:  Not much of anything.  I don't have much of an appetite, really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just his movements, actually.  He is SO big and I love the feeling and know I'm going to soon miss it horribly.... but he really is a strong and big little bugger! (Ouch!)
Gender: Teensy King!
Labor Signs:  Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions.  I think I'm starting to get 'the waddle' too.... 
Symptoms: Lack of sleep and appetite.  Oh, and lack of ability to pay attention - HolyBaby (on the brain!)
Belly Button in or out?  Out. Full blown out.  My family/friends like to touch it when I laugh.  It is funny, I admit.
Wedding rings on or off?  Off.  At the 30 day countdown, I suddenly couldn't wear my rings.  #SadDay I am wearing the most beautiful ring in its place, though!  I get the honor of wearing Aaron's Grandmother's ring and it is absolutely stunning!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, anxious, excited, ready!
Looking forward to:  Meeting our sweet little boy.  I just can't wait - seriously.

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