Friday, February 1, 2013

32 Weeks | Size of a Large Jicama

Sans make-up.  Ever have one of those days you just don't feel like getting ready after a shower?

How far along?  32 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes.  The only thing I can wear that is non-maternity?  Bra & panties!
Stretch marks? None.  Praise Jesus!
Sleep: I need about 8 hours to be satisfied but those hours come so scattered that I have to get a grandma-of-a head start just to accumulate that many per night!  I'm looking forward to my belly sleep again.
Best moment this week: Showing off our sweetest little Prince via 3D/4D ultrasound.  He's so handsome & totally responsive to us already!!
Miss Anything?  ^ Just belly sleep!
Movement:  Constantly!  I already miss that movement in my daydreams of the future ;-)  It's such a blessing to always feel him and have him with me.... that won't be forever, I know.
Food cravings:  Pancakes and other various breakfast sweets.  I want donuts quite frequently but haven't caved.  As for pancakes?  Yup, at least once a week for 3+ weeks now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: Little Prince!
Labor Signs:  I had some intense contractions that were consistent for about 3 hours this past week. Doctor told me to relax and load up on H2O.  She's so smart ;-)
Symptoms: Headaches and charlie horses.  I could do without them both.
Belly Button in or out?  Out. I find myself pushing on it like a squishy little pillow. #weird
Wedding rings on or off?  On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, anxious, excited.
Looking forward to:  Our birthing class beginning this Monday.  I think it'll be a great way for Aaron & I to do a little bonding over the things we haven't discussed too much as of yet.  We've been too caught up in the fun purchases to think about what a real birthing plan looks like!

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