Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stationery Card

Hes Landed Boy Birth Announcement
Personalized cards for babies, Valentines, Easter and Mother's Day.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

38.5 Weeks | Size of a .... Baby

Daddy playing a song for his little boy.  I adore this handsome man.

How far along?  38 1/2 weeks
Maternity clothes? Nothing but!
Stretch marks? No, I'm feeling rather blessed being able to still say 'no'. 
Sleep: Is important... I hear I won't get much for the next 18 years ;-)  Not getting much, but enough!
Best moment this week: Doing our feature shoot of boy's nursery & some maternity for a magazine/blog!  It was so fun and will be great to have the photos to share with him in the future.
Miss Anything?  My stomach.  I miss my stomach desperately in so many ways.
Movement:  Yes.  He has slowed down as there is clearly no space, but he's still sweet as can be with his little movements. :-)
Food cravings:  Nothing.  I hardly want food these days.  Eck.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Noises, surprisingly.
Gender: Bebe boy-o!
Labor Signs:  I have irregular contractions and intense pressure, to the point I think I'm starting to waddle.  It's okay, it means he's close!!
Symptoms: Emotional!!!!  I'm don't typically cry too much but I've definitely had a meltdown or two recently.  Don't ask my husband..... ;-)
Belly Button in or out?  Totally out.
Wedding rings on or off?  They're off as of the 30 day countdown.  I have a beautiful replacement from my husbands Grandmother though!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, anxious, excited.... still!
Looking forward to:  That very first moment I lay eyes on our sweet little bebe!  I cannot wait for him to be in my arms!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

36 Weeks | Size of a Crenshaw Melon

This is why bebe's are only allowed to occupy the womb for 40 weeks.  Crazy, right?!

How far along?  36 1/2 weeks
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.  
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Is rare, but I think my body is prepping me for what's to come.  I'm okay with that. :-)
Best moment this week: Ending February!  Man, it feels great for the countdown to be under 30 days!!
Miss Anything?  ^ Sleeping like a normal human, working out, wearing regular clothes, eating 'banned' foods, wine, being able to stay up late.... Umm, I'm suddenly missing a lot.  Guess that's what happens when you have 23 days left??
Movement:  Reference above video.
Food cravings:  Not much of anything.  I don't have much of an appetite, really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just his movements, actually.  He is SO big and I love the feeling and know I'm going to soon miss it horribly.... but he really is a strong and big little bugger! (Ouch!)
Gender: Teensy King!
Labor Signs:  Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions.  I think I'm starting to get 'the waddle' too.... 
Symptoms: Lack of sleep and appetite.  Oh, and lack of ability to pay attention - HolyBaby (on the brain!)
Belly Button in or out?  Out. Full blown out.  My family/friends like to touch it when I laugh.  It is funny, I admit.
Wedding rings on or off?  Off.  At the 30 day countdown, I suddenly couldn't wear my rings.  #SadDay I am wearing the most beautiful ring in its place, though!  I get the honor of wearing Aaron's Grandmother's ring and it is absolutely stunning!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, anxious, excited, ready!
Looking forward to:  Meeting our sweet little boy.  I just can't wait - seriously.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Nursery | Pre-Completion Photo Tour

Here is the nursery thus far.  We still have pictures to hang, necessities to add (i.e. changing table pad, hamper, diaper pail, etc.), and a few other touches of love... but it's enough to give you an idea!

Special thanks to: 
Nana for the awesome giraffe & stroller!
Aunt Jamie for the homemade rugby curtains!
My amazing Husband for putting together the furniture and rocking some major patience w/ my nesting obsession!!

Ikea Crib & Changing Table.  Target Glider.  American Furniture Warehouse Dresser.

Melissa & Doug Giraffe.

Nick-nacks & trinkets on shelves are from Hobby Lobby, family members, & Aaron's childhood.

Skateboarding Men from Annie's Blue Ribbon General Store.  The shoes were Aaron's.

Maxi-Cosi Carseat & Quinny Zapp Stroller.

Skull Diapers from The Honest Company.

Friday, February 1, 2013

32 Weeks | Size of a Large Jicama

Sans make-up.  Ever have one of those days you just don't feel like getting ready after a shower?

How far along?  32 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes.  The only thing I can wear that is non-maternity?  Bra & panties!
Stretch marks? None.  Praise Jesus!
Sleep: I need about 8 hours to be satisfied but those hours come so scattered that I have to get a grandma-of-a head start just to accumulate that many per night!  I'm looking forward to my belly sleep again.
Best moment this week: Showing off our sweetest little Prince via 3D/4D ultrasound.  He's so handsome & totally responsive to us already!!
Miss Anything?  ^ Just belly sleep!
Movement:  Constantly!  I already miss that movement in my daydreams of the future ;-)  It's such a blessing to always feel him and have him with me.... that won't be forever, I know.
Food cravings:  Pancakes and other various breakfast sweets.  I want donuts quite frequently but haven't caved.  As for pancakes?  Yup, at least once a week for 3+ weeks now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: Little Prince!
Labor Signs:  I had some intense contractions that were consistent for about 3 hours this past week. Doctor told me to relax and load up on H2O.  She's so smart ;-)
Symptoms: Headaches and charlie horses.  I could do without them both.
Belly Button in or out?  Out. I find myself pushing on it like a squishy little pillow. #weird
Wedding rings on or off?  On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, anxious, excited.
Looking forward to:  Our birthing class beginning this Monday.  I think it'll be a great way for Aaron & I to do a little bonding over the things we haven't discussed too much as of yet.  We've been too caught up in the fun purchases to think about what a real birthing plan looks like!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

4D Ultrasound | 31 Weeks

Aaron and I became a little antsy to see our boy and knowing that we had a great opportunity with a local ultrasound company was not helping.  We caved and paid a visit to 4D SonoImage of Loveland, CO.  (FB Page)  I highly suggest that you take a visit between 28-32 weeks!  It was the most amazing experience!  

Bebe is already responding to voices and making the most beautiful facial expressions!  Oh man, I can't wait to kiss his little cheeks.... oh heck, and those toes!!

Here he is:

He sure likes to suck his thumb!  His fingers were fully extended across his face each time.

He held on to his toes a good majority of the hour we watched him.  #DoesntGetThatFromMom

 You do get some funny images with the placenta getting in the way.  Still sweet though!
 Yep!  That's a smirk! :-D

 Here's his daddy; isn't he adorable!!
Aunt Janaque thinks Bebe looks just like Daddy.  I'll take it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

27 Weeks | Size of a Head of Cauliflower


How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? I've moved into primarily all maternity clothes.  I have to say, after caving into the  dreaded maternity pants, I couldn't be more pleased.  They make them cute and 'normal' looking now and they are SO much more comfortable than belly bands and elastics on my button!!
Stretch marks? Nope.  Thank you, Jesus!
Sleep: I'm sleeping okay.  I'm already feeling my 2nd trimester energy dwindle which has me in bed earlier.  In turn, I'm also up much earlier.  (5:30/6am, anyone?)
Best moment this week: Purchasing the majority of his nursery furniture.  Pics to come!
Miss Anything?  I miss real sushi.  This seems like a trend....
Movement:  Constantly!  He is definitely getting bigger!  We love to lay in bed at night and watch the alien-like (as my hubs says) movements drifting from one side of my belly to the other.  I can't wait to kiss our little king!
Food cravings:  Not so much.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Teeny King!
Labor Signs:  Regular Braxton Hicks still but nothing intolerable!
Symptoms: Headaches.  I'm also starting to get exhausted rather easily.  Oh.. and my legs are supAsore for NO reason!
Belly Button in or out?  Out. 
Wedding rings on or off?  On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & anxious!!
Looking forward to:  Our maternity session on January 26th!